Quote from Frankie in Royal Wedding
Axl: I thought you were just taking us sneaker shopping. You lied. You're a big liar! Frankie: Yeah, well, I thought you would be so grateful for your new sneakers, that you'd understand if I need to make one little stop for myself. Axl: You don't know me at all! Frankie: Excuse me? Hi. I'm looking for something to clean the sticky gunk off my TV. Salesman: Uh, sure. Screen cleaners are right over here. Frankie: Oh. And, um, also, there's this yellow glowing blob in the inside of the screen, but not on channels 2 and 5 and sometimes there's these lines that go across, but sometimes they go up and down, but those go away when I'm running the microwave, but the microwave doesn't work unless I'm shooting the hair dryer at it. You have something for that? Salesman: Yes, we do. It's called a new TV. [laughs]