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Quote from Frankie in A Simple Christmas

Frankie: Oh, are you kidding? We got this stupid shower radio for Axl last Christmas, and look. He didn't even open it.
Mike: Good. We'll give it to him again. He won't remember.
Frankie: And this... I spent $20 for rush delivery so the kids could open it Christmas morning only to have them dump it down here Christmas night. Ugh.
Mike: You know what? Don't even tell me those things. It makes me kind of mad.
Frankie: Me, too. I mean, I drive myself nuts running around buyin' all this stuff for them, and for what, Mike? Really, for what?
Mike: Didn't you say you were looking for stockings?
Frankie: Yeah.
Mike: Ah. Here they are, in the Easter box. What the hell is that?
Frankie: It's the orange... The orange I put in their stocking every year, you know? 'Cause during the depression, the only thing that my grandma got in her stocking was an orange, but she loved it and it was enough. And that's why my mom put it in my stocking, we put one in our kids', 'cause I never want them to forget to appreciate something as pure and simple as an orange.
Mike: Look, you're always complaining about how hard Christmas is? What if we found a way to...
Frankie: to find the true meaning of Christmas again?
Mike: I-I was thinking spend less money. But that'd work, too.

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