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Quote from Aunt Edie in Siblings

Frankie: [v.o.] The next morning, Mike met Aunt Edie at the quarry.
Mike: It's really brutal this year, Edie. Most of the guys will get almost no bonus at all.
Frankie: [v.o.] Ever since she retired as a bookkeeper 14 years ago, Aunt Edie came to Mike's office every December to help close out the books.
Mike: Hoping we can massage the numbers to avoid triggering layoffs, but it's gonna be tight. What are you doing with that?
Aunt Edie: I gotta plug in Ginny.
Mike: You brought Ginny to the quarry?
[Aunt Ginny sits in her wheelchair outside the trailer with a blanket on her lap and cigarette in her hand]
Aunt Edie: Well, the wheelchair won't fit into the trailer, and I'm afraid to leave her home alone because I think Ginny is starting to lose it.
Mike: Oh, no kidding. Sorry to hear that.
Aunt Edie: And then there's something else. I think Ginny is starting to lose it.

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