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Quote from Frankie in Siblings

Frankie: [v.o.] After all the crap that had been thrown that night, the sight of those three kids lovingly frolicking around the room... really bugged the hell out of me. I didn't really put my finger on why till I got home. And then it hit me. I've never seen my kids frolic together. It's like they were three strangers in a bus station waiting to get out of here. Maybe they didn't hang out together because Sue and Axl had nothing in common.
[As Sue talks, Axl mimes various ways of killing himself]
Sue: So I'm trying out for Wrestlettes which is wrestling cheerleaders, which is easier to get into than regular cheerleaders. It's all hot in the gym where wrestling is, there's not really a crowd to cheer to.
Frankie: [v.o.] Or maybe it's because Brick's so much younger. Or maybe because Brick's so much Brick.
Sue: Brick, what are you doing?
Brick: It usually copies me... but sometimes if I look very carefully... it doesn't.
Sue: Mom!

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