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Quote from Sue in The Trip

Sue: It was a disaster! Because you forgot to mail in the envelope, my name wasn't on any of the lists! I had to sleep on the floor in the hotel. They didn't have tickets to any of the museums! I missed the state government in action! And a junior guidance counselor had to sit outside with me everywhere because legally I couldn't be left alone! Well, I'm not invisible to Miss Glover now! Oh, no, she hates me! This is all your fault!
Frankie: [v.o.] There it was, Sue found her voice. And boy, was it loud.
Sue: I didn't deserve this. I strongly suggest... No. Demand that you make it up to me!
Frankie: [v.o.] Yeah. My girl was a fighter. She was gonna be fine. And all the cheese and sausage in the world, doesn't make you feel prouder than that.

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