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The Quote

Quote from Sue in The Trip

Frankie: [v.o.] Unfortunately, I could believe it. This was Sue's whole life in a nutshell. She tries and tries and never gets any recognition. It's like people don't even see her.
[flashback to a teacher taking attendance:]
Teacher: Sue Heck?
Sue: Here.
Teacher: Sue Heck?
Sue: Here.
Teacher: Okay, not here.
[flashback to the cafeteria:]
Cafeteria Worker: Pizza or fish?
Sue: Pizza, please. [he puts fish on her tray] Oh, okay.
[flashback to Sue's classmates singing Happy Birthday to her in class:]
All: [singing] Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear... [all mutter indistinctly] Happy birthday to you [Sue sighs]

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