‘Change in the Air’
Season 5, Episode 2 - Aired October 2, 2013
The first day of school is less hectic without Axl there. Brick is afraid to use the bathroom at middle school because of all the scare stories he's heard about swirlies. Meanwhile, Frankie is annoyed that Axl responds to Mike's texts but won't message her back.
Quote from Darrin
Sue: Uh. Uh. Darrin! Darrin! Wait up. Wait up.
Darrin: Sorry. I take abnormally big steps. I'm hard to keep up with.
Quote from Frankie
Frankie: Well, this probably isn't the time to rub it in, but I got a text from Axl today.
Mike: "Send shampoo."
Frankie: Huh. Looks like I'm the new favorite.
[later, Axl gets a text message from Brick saying "Call Dad."]
Quote from Mike
Mike: [answers phone] Hey! You're supposed to be away at college. You got to stop calling so much.
Axl: [chuckles] I know, right? You, uh, watching the Colts?
Mike: Yeah. What a fourth quarter, huh? Did you see that pass to Wayne?
Axl: Oh, yeah. On the slant?
Mike: What a grab.
Axl: Yeah. Awesome.
Mike: Um, oh, hey, your mom is gonna send you that shampoo, so be looking for that.
Axl: Okay. Will do. Oh, and, hey, don't, uh, let her just put a bunch of dishwashing soap into a shampoo bottle, 'cause I know she does that.
Mike: [chuckles] Okay. I'll make sure.
Axl: So, uh, what's going on there?
Mike: Oh, well, not much. Oh, I went outside yesterday, and, uh, I see that Ron Donahue bought a brand-new leaf blower. Peak of the season. Just throwing money away.
Axl: Sucker.