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Somewhere Else

‘Somewhere Else’

Season 2, Episode 13 -  Aired February 1, 2018

After the Judge (Maya Rudolph) decides that the humans do not belong in the Good Place, Michael convinces her to try an alternative solution.

Quote from Michael

Eleanor: The point is, we've all gotten better. Why should we have to go live alone in a boring void because of a messed-up system? How is that justice?
Judge: Okay. Slow your roll there, Erin Brockovich. First of all, y'all didn't get good enough to pass the tests I just gave you. Second, I still believe that the only reason that you improved in Michael's fake neighborhood is because you thought there was a reward at the end of the rainbow. You're supposed to good things because you're good! Not because you're seeking moral desert.
Michael: And I still believe that they would've become good people if they'd just gotten a... A push in the right direction.
Judge: Oh, no. Nope, nope. Absolutely not.
Michael: It's a little crazy...
Judge: "A little crazy?" It's looney tunes.
Chidi: What are they talking about?
Eleanor: No idea.
Judge: It sets a very dangerous precedent.
Michael: It's only four people. And it's clearly the best way to see if bad people can become good without knowing anything about what's waiting for them in the afterlife.


Quote from Michael

Judge: It's never gonna work, man.
Michael: If it doesn't, then they go right back to the Bad Place. No one gets hurt. Except them, forever. And me, I assume, also. Forever.
Judge: Mmm... [grunting] okay, let's do it.
Michael: Yes! Ha!
Judge: I don't know why. I'm just feeling kinda funky. But there have to be strict rules. Otherwise, the results will be tainted, and I reserve the right to change my mind at any point.
Eleanor: About what?! Would someone who's not an eternal being please explain to me what the f...

Quote from Eleanor

Joe: Why are you like this?
Eleanor: Excuse me? Why am I like this? You don't know me, dude. You don't know what I'm like. Look what you made me do, jagoff.
Cart Attendant: [o.s.] Look out!
Eleanor: Uh-oh.
[As Eleanor is about to be struck by a row of shopping carts, a man knocks her out of the way and walks off. The carts are struck by a passing truck.]
Eleanor: Holy crap. I just almost died.

Quote from Eleanor

Eleanor: I was outside the supermarket arguing with that little environmental twerp...
Madison: Ugh, I hate that guy.
Brittany: Really? That skinny little hippy body kinda turns me on.
Madison: Gross.
Eleanor: Guys, listen. I dropped the margarita mix, and when I went to pick it up, a bunch of shopping carts came right at me, and I was just frozen. And then someone pushed me out of the way, and the carts got, like, demolished by a truck. I mean, I could've died.

Quote from Eleanor

Madison: I had a near death experience recently. You know that old warehouse that burned down last month and, like, four people died? That building is, like, right by my old dentist. If I still went to that dentist and I had an appointment that day, I would've been like... right near there.
Brittany: I was in Syracuse, New York, like two weeks before 9/11.
Madison: No way! Yeah, 14 days.

Quote from Eleanor

Madison: Mm, babes, get in on these nachos. They're delish.
Brittany: Mmm, mmhmm.
Eleanor: I'm actually trying to eat vegetarian.
Brittany: Ew! Why?
Madison: Is it because you feel bad for all the widdle animals with their cute widdle faces because people stuff them into tiny cages just so that we can eat them?
Eleanor: Yeah. That's exactly why.

Quote from Eleanor

Brittany: They're suing you?!
Eleanor: This chick is claiming she has whiplash. She wasn't in the car when I hit it!
Brittany: This is on you. You should've pretended like you didn't see it and walked away, like everyone else does.
Eleanor: I know! I've hit your car like six times and never said anything. But I'm trying to be good!
Brittany: [laughs] How is that working out for you?

Quote from Eleanor

Brittany: Oof! I still think he's kinda hot.
Eleanor: I guess. In like a sick Victorian boy kind of way.
Brittany: Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Where we, like, feed him soup.

Quote from Eleanor

Eleanor: So tell me about the new business.
Wallace: We sell classes at a for-profit university, and the classes train people how to sell supplements.
Eleanor: So it's a Ponzi scheme within a Ponzi scheme? That sounds kinda dicey.
Wallace: Oh, it's super dicey. But I'm in witness protection, so technically, I can't be convicted of any crime.
Eleanor: Well, that's definitely not true, but I also don't care. Which one's my desk?

Quote from Eleanor

Eleanor: Hi.
Chidi: Oh, I'm sorry. Office hours are on Tuesday.
Eleanor: Oh, I... I'm not a student. Are you Chidi Ana... kendrick?
Chidi: Anagonye, and yes.
Eleanor: From the long, nerdy video about the little voice that tells you to be good?
Chidi: From the Cassat Foundation lecture series on the practical applications of ethical theory. Yes.
Eleanor: Great. Hi. My name is Eleanor Shellstrop. Can we talk?

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