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Quote from Eleanor in Don't Let the Good Life Pass You By

Eleanor: Is it just me or is Janet a straight-up hottie right now?
Chidi: How are you this close to being dragged to Hell and still horny?
Eleanor: I don't know.
Chidi: And how did you know they were demons?
Eleanor: I can't tell you that now! Screw it. What am I waiting for? We could die in the next 30 seconds. So, Michael showed me a memory of our time in the Good Place and you and I were, like, a thing.
Vicky: And... Gotcha! [Eleanor punches Vicky in the face]
Eleanor: Not like a casual, "Hey, I found two loose pills in the bottom of my tote, let's pop 'em and see what's good," kinda thing. We were in love, and there's a real possibility that I'm in love with you again. Here. On this plane of existence. Today. Now. In Canada during this brawl with demons.

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