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We're Outta Here

‘We're Outta Here’

Season 4, Episode 25 - Aired May 13, 1989

After a wealthy Japanese businessman makes an offer for the house, the girls reminisce about some of the memories they've made there. [CLIP SHOW]

Quote from Sophia

Blanche: Sophia, you're not making any sense.
Sophia: Excuse me, Mrs. Kierkegaard, it's 4am.
Dorothy: Ma, is there a point to this?
Sophia: And if there wasn't, what are you gonna do? Put decorative bars on my window? Yes, there is a point. If you're gonna sell real estate, make sure you own it.
Blanche: Sophia, I do own this house.
Sophia: Oh. Is anybody else hungry?


Quote from Blanche

Blanche: I cannot talk about this anymore. I'm just gonna call Yakamora and give him my decision.
Dorothy: Go ahead. Make your call.
Rose: We'll give you some privacy. We'll go in the other room.
Dorothy: Come on, Ma. Let's go.
Rose: What do you think she's gonna do?
Dorothy: I think she's gonna sell. It's just too much money.
Rose: Oh, no. Blanche is too sentimental. I think she's gonna stay.
Dorothy: What do you think, Ma? Ma!
Sophia: Quiet. [on the phone] Oh, this is just the operator. Your phone is working fine.
Dorothy: Ma, what did you hear? You're never gonna believe what happened.
Blanche: You are never gonna believe what happened. Yakamora decided not to buy the house.
Rose: What happened?
Blanche: Well, he went on a shopping spree and he spent all his money. He bought a department store in Fort Lauderdale and a condominium in Orlando, a baseball team in Tampa, and I think one of the Landers sisters.

Quote from Blanche

Rose: But what were you gonna tell him? What if he hadn't backed out?
Blanche: What difference does that make now? The important thing is we're staying together.
Dorothy: You were gonna sell, weren't you?
Blanche: Damn straight. But I was not gonna let it break us up. We are staying together. I don't care what happens. We are family. We are a team.
Rose: Come on, everybody, group hug.

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