Blanche Quote #915
Quote from Blanche in Twice in a Lifetime
Rose: I've never done anything like this before. Tell me, is it possible to love two men at the same time?
Blanche: Set the scene. Have we been drinking?
The Golden Girls Quotes
‘Twice in a Lifetime’ Quotes
Quote from Rose
Rose: I haven't seen Buzz in almost 40 years, since we were dating in high school.
Dorothy: Rose, I didn't think you dated anyone before Charlie.
Rose: Actually, it was while I dated Charlie.
Blanche: Rose Nylund. You were in a love triangle and never told us.
Rose: Well, I didn't think you'd be interested.
Dorothy: Oh, but you were certain that we'd be interested in the story about little Yimminy, the boy who was raised by a wild moose?
Rose: May I remind you, Dorothy, that moose didn't just raise little Yimminy, he put him through medical school.
Quote from Rose
Blanche: Why were you dating Buzz at the same time as Charlie?
Rose: Because I didn't know which one I liked better. They were so different. Charlie liked to do all the typical teenage things. When we'd go to a drive-in movie, he'd hide me in the trunk so we only had to pay admission for one. After the movie he'd drive me home, let me out of the trunk and tell me all about it.
Quote from Rose
Miles: It's too bad. I was gonna take you to see Henry V.
Rose: It's just as well. I always think by the time they get to number five, those sequels get pretty predictable.