Rose Quote #239
Rose: Look, ladies, we've taken all the guff we're gonna take off of you.
Blanche: No, you're gonna take all the guff I got and you're gonna like it.
Rose: All right, everybody, now shut the hell up. I'm in charge here. From now on, everyone listens to me.
Rick: Why should we listen to you?
Rose: Because I happen to be the most decorated pioneer scout in the history of northern Minnesota. I can build a 100-foot rope bridge, start a fire with rocks, distill sea water into drinking water. Now, if you want to get out of this alive, I suggest you listen to me. Do I hear any objections? I didn't think so. Dorothy, Blanche, start breaking up the boat. We need wood for a fire. And, you three, head up north, up that ridge. Based on those rock formations, there's a good chance of finding a waterfall. If you don't find anything in an hour, head back to the coastline, follow it around and look for our fire. Now, move. I said move!
The Golden Girls Quotes
‘Vacation’ Quotes
Quote from Blanche
Dorothy: Oh, Blanche, get a hold of yourself.
Blanche: I don't want to get a hold of myself. They invite us to go out on a boat and then they sail us right out in the middle of a storm. And we end up shipwrecked on this godforsaken island.
Rick: Hey, so, we made a few mistakes. Nobody's perfect, huh.
Dwayne: Yeah, what's the big deal?
Blanche: "What's the big deal?" You almost killed us, you nitwits. I hate you. I curse the day I ever laid eyes on you. I curse the day your momma ever laid eyes on your daddy. I curse the day your daddy ever lay down with your momma.
Quote from Dorothy
Rick: So, how have you ladies been enjoying your vacation?
Dorothy: As a child during the Depression, I had to have my wisdom teeth extracted by a shoemaker. That was more fun than this.
Quote from Blanche
Dorothy: Well, I hope one day you meet the woman of your dreams, but, in the mean time, who are you and what are you doing in our bathroom?
Dwayne: I'm Dwayne and that's Rick.
Winston Hardwick III: And I'm Winston Hardwick III.
Rose: Well, we're very glad to meet you, but what are you doing in our bathroom?
Winston Hardwick III: This is our room. I'm afraid the six of us are going to have to share this bathroom.
Blanche: I am not sharing a bathroom with three strange men. I don't care if it is my vacation.