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Great Expectations

‘Great Expectations’

Season 5, Episode 14 - Aired January 13, 1990

Blanche refuses to get too close to her boyfriend, even after he suffers a heart attack. Meanwhile, Rose joins a self-help group.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Oh, Steven, I'm sorry. There's no excuse for my not being here, but the important thing is I'm back.
Steven: Blanche.
Blanche: Wait, honey, let me finish. I know how much we care for each other, I know how good we are for each other, and, let's face it, nobody has more fun with each other than we do. [Steven's heart monitor beeps more rapidly] You remember that night on the beach, when I pretended my hand was a big old sand crab crawling up your thigh? We wrapped ourselves up in that blanket, and you about jumped out of your skin when I showed you that Savannah twister. You remember that?
Nurse: Are you all right, Mr. Gordon?
Steven: Yes, I'm fine.
Blanche: Sorry. It won't happen again. At least not until you're out of here.


Quote from Blanche

Steven: You're a terrific lady. I'm gonna miss you.
Blanche: Don't you forget me, now.
Steven: Oh, don't worry. I'll always have this printout to remember you by.

Quote from Rose

Rose: I've gotten all I'm gonna get out of it. Besides, I'd rather be part of this group than that one.
Dorothy: I hate to say this, but Rose, you're special.
Rose: Thank you, Dorothy. I could never get them to say that to me at those meetings.

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