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Quote from Sophia in Two Rode Together

Blanche: Who died?
Sophia: My best friend, Edith Flannery.
Rose: I thought Mildred Feinberg was your best friend.
Sophia: She was, but we've grown apart. I think her death had something to do with it. I really thought Edith would be around longer. She was only 88-years-old and in perfect health. Then one night, bingo, she closes her eyes and she's gone.
Blanche: She died in her sleep.
Sophia: What are you, deaf? I said she died playing bingo. Well, I guess Phyllis Glockman will be my new best friend.
Dorothy: Ma, I thought you hated Phyllis Glockman.
Sophia: I do, but the rate my friends are going, I won't have to spend much time with her.

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