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Quote from Rose in Ladies of the Evening

Rose: Oh, I've never been in jail. I won't make it. They always prey on the weak and innocent. The others will taunt me for trying to excel at my work in the laundry. I'll fall in with a bad crowd whose leader looks like Ethel Merman. And I'll be forced to engineer a daring prison break using my laundry cart. From that time on I won't know a moment's peace. I'll scar my fingerprints with battery acid and I'll run from town to town taking jobs that people have who got bad grades in school. And then one day they'll find me, holed up in a shack in the Louisiana bayou. And a sheriff named Bull will call my name over a megaphone. And when I make a run for it, he'll riddle my body with bullets. Oh, please don't let them take me downtown. I wanna live. I wanna live!
Dorothy: You're not good in a crisis, are you, Rose?

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