Quote from Rose in The Flu
Blanche: All right, I want an answer and I want it now. Which one of you has been dipping into my Vicks VapoRub? Rose: I took it. And my chest was already completely coated! I did it out of spite because you lost the pre-measured cup off my Nyquil. Dorothy: Rose, I took your stupid cup. And do you know why? Because I feel lousy, and being mean to you makes me feel better. Rose: Dorothy Zbornak! You can go straight to H-E-double hockey sticks! Dorothy: Double hockey sticks? Blanche: Oh, what language! My ears are burning! Rose Nylund, you know what you are? You are an A-1, first-class, all-around nerd! [Rose starts crying] Oh, honey, I didn't mean that. I'm sorry. Oh! It's just this flu is making me crazy!