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Quote from Blanche in How Do You Solve a Problem Like Sophia?

Rose: Isn't there anything else you can do?
Blanche: Well, I suppose we could prove Mr. Nivingston was faking his injury if we could trick him into performing certain physical acts of a sexual nature. All we'd need is a devastatingly beautiful woman with a flair for seduction.
Rose: How about Mrs. Hufstad down the street? I mean, she's something of a dog, but she'll do it with anybody.
Blanche: I was talkin' about me.
Rose: Oh, yeah. You will, too.
Blanche: Rose, I won't go all the way. I'll just get him in the bedroom and, uh, put him through the normal warm-ups. And we'll have a certain Scandinavian nitwit hidin' in the closet with a camera.
Rose: Wouldn't it be better if I hid in the closet?
Blanche: Yes, Rose, I suppose it would.
Rose: But do you really think you can get him to remove the neck brace?
Blanche: Oh, please. I once got a man to crawl out of a full body cast.

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