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Quote from Blanche in Till Death Do We Volley

Blanche: Well, Dorothy Zbornak, I cannot believe you put Rose and me through this.
Rose: Yeah!
Dorothy: What are you talking about?
Blanche: You knew Trudy was playing a practical joke all along, and you never shared it with your best friends? We thought you were devastated. We suffered right along with you.
Rose: Yeah!
Blanche: That was insensitive.
Rose: Insensitive!
Blanche: Selfish.
Rose: Selfish!
Blanche: Listen, as far as we are concerned, Dorothy Zbornak, you have gone too far this time. No. This is unforgivable. We are never gonna speak to you again.
Rose: Right!
Blanche: Gotcha.
Dorothy: Very, very convincing, Blanche.
Blanche: I can't take all the credit. I did have some help. Right, Rose? Rose? Rose?

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