Quote from Rose in Forgive Me, Father
Blanche: You know, you take the religious aspect out of this and it's really quite romantic. A man giving up everything for the woman he loves. It's kind of like the story of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Rose: Or the story of Rose and Charlie Nylund. Dorothy: You know, when I think of one, I automatically think of the other. Rose: When Charlie and I started dating, I got the feeling that his folks didn't like me. That's when I decided to get to the bottom of things and I found out about the ancient feud between the Nylunds and the Gorkleknabygens. That was my mother's maiden name. Dorothy: Gorkleknabygen? Rose: Originally, it was Gorkleknabygen-Höffstädlerfeil. But they shortened it. Because most of my mother's family were in show business. Anyway, when Charlie told them that we were gonna get married, they forbade it. They said they'd disown him if he married... Dorothy: A Gorkleknabygen. Rose: Right. And he'd lose his share of the family tile grout fortune. He didn't care. He told them he loved me more than grout. Blanche: Must have been a tough choice for old Charlie.