Quote from Sophia in Vacation
Sophia: This has been a great day, Mr. Mitsumo. Mr. Mitsumo: Toshiro. Sophia: This has been a great day, Toshiro. And driving your Lawn-Boy was so exciting. Mr. Mitsumo: Eat. Eat. Sophia: That's amazing. You people eat with two little sticks, you never miss a bite. My people drop half their meal while using a fork, a spoon and a loaf of bread. Mr. Mitsumo: So, see, so. Sophia: So, exactly... Exactly what is this stuff? Mr. Mitsumo: Is sushi. Raw fish. Very good. Sophia: Whoops, that flew right out of my hand. [As Mr. Mitsumo gets up to pick up the piece of sushi, Sophia dumps the rest of her plate into her purse] Sophia: That was delicious. I couldn't eat another bite. I've got to tell you. Even though you eat raw fish and you like to listen to a piano being tuned, I find you awfully cute. Mr. Mitsumo: Sophia, cuter.