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Quote from Blanche in Take Him, He's Mine

Dorothy: Oh, honey, I know that going out with Stan is big favor.
Blanche: The biggest. You're asking me to spend my evening with a man you yourself describe as having the personality of a dial tone. And why? So you can go have a splendid evening with a dashing naval officer. Well, absolutely not. Under no circumstances will I entertain the notion.
Dorothy: I'll let you borrow my cashmere sweater any time you want.
Blanche: No.
Dorothy: I'll give you outright - outright - my practically full bottle of Chanel No. 5.
Blanche: Perfume or cologne?
Dorothy: Cologne.
Blanche: Forget it.
Dorothy: I'll introduce you to all of Geoffrey's naval officer friends. Some of them have been at sea for over six months.
Blanche: [to Stan] Just make yourself comfortable, honey. I'll be with you in two minutes.

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