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Quote from Rose in In a Bed of Rose's

Rose: Last night, Al had a heart attack and died. Oh, Mrs. Beatty, I'm so very, very sorry.
Lucille: Well, you must have the wrong Al. You've been sleeping with someone else's Al. My Al is as healthy as a horse. It can't be him! Al Beatty, from Boca Raton?
Rose: Yes.
Lucille: You're telling me Al is dead?
Rose: Yes.
Lucille: A heart attack is crazy. He was a runner. He couldn't have a heart attack. I'm talking, so it can't be true.
You know what I mean? If I keep talking, it isn't true. All I have to do is talk forever. Oh, God, Al! [Rose holds Lucille's hand] I'm all right. I'm OK. Al the big jerk. I loved him. He was a decent man, you know?
Rose: I know. He was.
Lucille: Caring.
Rose: Very.
Lucille: Special.
Rose: And it's all my fault!
Lucille: He had a heart attack. It's not your fault.
Rose: He had a heart attack with me. Mrs. Beatty, my late husband had a heart attack with me as well. They drop like flies around me!
Lucille: Mrs. Nylund, you're not responsible for the death of my husband.
Rose: I'll never date again.
Lucille: You will.
Rose: I won't. I can't.
Lucille: In time, you'll forget this.
Rose: Never.
Lucille: I promise you.
Rose: It's OK. I'll get used to being alone.
Lucille: Mrs. Nylund.
Rose: Yes?
Lucille: You've been sleeping with my husband and he's just died. See if you can pull yourself together, because in a minute, I'm going to need some comforting myself.

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