Beverly Quote #1446
Quote from Beverly in The Hunt for the Great Albino Pumpkin
Beverly: [answers phone] Adam! Oh, thank God.
Adam: How did you know it was me?
Beverly: It takes only 13 minutes to get to Pop-Pop's house and back. I have been calling and calling. Where were you?!
Adam: Here and there.
Beverly: It's Devil's Night, Adam. Every year, 6 million kids are abducted and slaughtered.
Adam: That seems high.
Beverly: You tell that to my manicurist's manicurist's son.
Adam: She doesn't do her own nails?
Beverly: She doesn't do anything anymore since her son went trick-or-treating and sickos scavenged his head for parts. They stole his eyes, nose, and teeth. Now every year, his costume is the same... human jack-o'-lantern. But the rest of the year, he works in the way, way back at Circuit City.
Adam: So he's doing it!
The Goldbergs Quotes
‘The Hunt for the Great Albino Pumpkin’ Quotes
Quote from Beverly
Girl: #1: Trick or treat!
Beverly: Who are you supposed to be?
Girl: #2: Girls holding pillowcases?
Beverly: No, you have to have a costume.
Girl: #1: Fine. I'm her and she's me.
Beverly: You know, our dog walker's termite specialist had a daughter who was full of sassafras. [chuckles] One Halloween, a wayward jellybean lodged in her ear canal. She lost her hearing, her balance, then while scuba diving, she couldn't tell which way was up and started going deeper and deeper down. The pressure crushed her bones like a soda can. Now she works at an arcade, making change with her mouth.
Girl: #2: Any Smarties?
Beverly: Just take one.
[As Beverly holds out the cauldron of Halloween candy, her hand pops up through the bottom. The girls scream and run away]
Beverly: Happy Halloween!
Quote from Murray
Brea: What's this? I don't remember the Italian Stallion wearing ThunderCats PJs.
Adam: Sorry, guys, but I have a tiny tickle in my throat. [coughs weakly] Do you hear that?
Brea: Not really.
Adam: It's there, and it hurts a ton.
Matt Schernecke: I thought it was just a tiny tickle.
Adam: An incredibly painful tiny tickle.
Pop-Pop: This whole thing is incredibly painful. I'll take some peanut butter cups.
Murray: Only one! If all we have left are Abba-Zabas, everyone's in trouble.
Quote from Geoff
Geoff: Hey, Barry, could I get my popcorn machine back?
Barry: How dare you? I need it when I want to make and eat popcorn.
Geoff: No, I understand why you borrowed it, but Erica and I are gonna have a Halloween movie marathon.
Joanne: Blood, guts, and gore? Fun.
Erica: Nah, Geoff's not really into that, so instead, we're watching the movies of America's goofball sweetheart, Goldie Hawn.
Geoff: In Overboard, she's a rich lady who gets amnesia and ends up shacking up with Kurt Russell and his lousy kids. On the silver screen, it's a romp, but in the real world, it's kidnapping and sexual slavery.