Beverly Quote #961
Quote from Beverly in My Valentine Boy
Beverly: [to Murray] See, this is what I love about Valentine's Day. I get candies and notes and dinner with my special guy. [to Adam] I made us reservations, pickle.
Adam: Wait, me?! I can't be your Valentine pickle this year.
Beverly: But I made us a reservation at the new Moroccan place. It's fun 'cause you get to eat with your hands. But it's also disgusting, so I will be sneaking some silverware in my purse. Fun!
The Goldbergs Quotes
‘My Valentine Boy’ Quotes
Quote from Pops
Murray: Damn it, Al! You filmed it backwards!
Pops: I pushed the button like Adam does.
Murray: It was off when it was supposed to be on!
Pops: Why would a red light mean "On"? Red is the international signal for "Stop"!
Murray: That's with cars, not with cameras!
Pops: Oh, now you're a camera expert!
Quote from Pops
Pops: This is a fun, little ditty. It's 17 minutes long, and it tells the story of a boy who lost his rag. [strumming] Ohh!
Quote from Naked Rob
Barry: Luckily, I'm here to shepherd Geoff into the world of anger and unreasonable passion. First, we role-play. Andy, you'll be Erica.
Andy: Okay.
Naked Rob: Um, actually, I'd like to play Erica. I'm more than just a guy who likes to be naked. I have range, you know?