Murray Quote #377
Quote from Murray in Ho-ly K.I.T.T.
Adam: You!
Murray: What are you doing? I got to pull the car in.
Adam: How could you two see K.I.T.T. without me?
Murray: Calm down. How was I supposed to know you wanted to see the awesome TV car?
Adam: 'Cause I'm the one who told you about it!
Murray: Ahh. That's where I heard that. In my defense, you're always talking about these He-Mans, these robits, and these Trons, they all kind of blur together.
Adam: You're confusing sci-fi fantasy with reality-based sci-fi action. You're embarrassing yourself!
The Goldbergs Quotes
‘Ho-ly K.I.T.T.’ Quotes
Quote from Adam
Adam: There's two Adam Goldbergs. One of us uses an F to differentiate.
Quote from Adam
Adam: I was wrong. There can be two. Like how there are two Adam Goldbergs in my school.
Quote from Beverly
Barry: I can't believe you! What kind of monster won't let her own son abandon his entire family on Thanksgiving?
Beverly: You left me no choice. You know I would literally die if I didn't have all my children here for Thanksgiving. Is that what you want, to bury your mother on Thanksgiving?