Barry Quote #394
Barry: I want my own trophy 'cause I'm better than Adam at everything. Can he soothe animals with just some peanut butter and a smile? Can he eat an entire apple in just two bites? Hmm? Give me an apple right now. [Moans, groans] [Muffled] Bad start. Give me another.
Beverly: Don't waste my apples.
The Goldbergs Quotes
‘Rush’ Quotes
Quote from Geoff
Geoff: 'sup, Erica? Really feeling the flock today, am I right?
Erica: Ugh. Flock of Seagulls is so last week, Geoff. We're all about Debbie Gibson now.
Geoff: But I used an entire jar of honey for this. [Bees buzzing] I've been fighting off bees all morning.
Quote from Beverly
Beverly: You really miss your mama?
Adam: Okay, fine. I do. I miss you getting me everything I ever wanted through fear, intimidation, and remorseless perseverance.
Beverly: That is the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. Come to Mama.
Quote from Beverly
Barry: See that? Adam's photo is twice the size of ours.
Beverly: This is a misunderstanding. The photo guy made it the wrong size, and I couldn't return it.
Barry: Please. I've seen you return a dead goldfish, used ChapStick, and a bathing suit Dad wore for 10 straight days in Puerto Rico.
Beverly: That liner was destroyed. Destroyed.