Barry Quote #169

Quote from Barry in A Goldberg Thanksgiving

Barry: You're running. That's against the rules. But I'll allow it 'cause I don't care.


 ‘A Goldberg Thanksgiving’ Quotes

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Oh, it hurts. Ow! Something happened in my downstairs. It's just north of my vajingo.

Quote from Barry

Murray: We'll order Chinese.
Barry: Oh, no, you won't! The stakes are too high. I need this meal. I need to be knocked motionless by meat and gravy. I need to eat until my pants grow tight and I move into elastic sweats. Will I ever touch that weird, gloppy cranberry thing? Probably not. But I deserve to find out. Give me this. Give me Thanksgiving.

Quote from Adam

Adam: Stop bunting!
Murray: I can't stop bunting!
Adam: Just push the "pause" button.
Murray: Well, which is the "pause" button?
Adam: Stop mashing the buttons with your giant sausage fingers.