Barry Quote #1518

Quote from Barry in Jenkintown After Dark

Naked Rob: I've been thinking about being really rich, too.
Barry: Ah, you won't.
Joanne: Aww.
Barry: Face it.
Joanne: Hmm.
Barry: The disparity in our social classes is the elephant in the zoo. But to reassure you I won't leave the three of you behind...
Geoff: There's four of us.
Matt: And where's the elephant?


 ‘Jenkintown After Dark’ Quotes

Quote from Barry

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Back in the '80s, yuppies were everywhere. They played douchey sports. They called their brokers. And, of course, they ate sushi. And nobody wanted to be one more than my brother Barry.
Barry: [drinks wine, spits out] Ugh! This is made from grapes?
[Barry is doing yoga:]
Barry: [grunts] How do you win at this?
[Barry is getting dressed:]
Barry: Now everyone will know I have class and money.
Adult Adam: And the yuppie trapping he coveted most? [horn honks] The oh-so-sweet cars.

Quote from Barry

Barry: Gentlemen, it is with a heavy heart I inform you I am no longer ridiculously rich.
Matt: Wow.
Andy: That happened fast.
Geoff: Rags to riches to rags.
Naked Rob: It was clear how this was gonna end.
Barry: Which unfortunately means I'll be in your lives after all. Slumming down here in the gutter with your cooked fish and American cars.
Matt: Happy to have you back, Big Tasty.
Barry: And in celebration of our reunion, I brought you one leftover box of sushi to delight in.
Naked Rob: That does not look fresh.
Barry: Nonsense! If sliced correctly, sushi can last for weeks. Now gorge yourselves on the pizza rolls of the Samurai!
Geoff: No, thanks.
Andy: I'm all set.
Matt: I ate bacteria earlier.
Naked Rob: It's visually obvious that shouldn't be eaten.
Barry: More for me I guess. [eats] Mm. Ugh. Uh. I'm in really big trouble.

Quote from Geoff

Geoff: Who knew the legal team behind big business would be three old white guys?