Barry Quote #521
Geoff: At the very least, he's musical.
Barry: You want music? Watch and learn. Attention, adoring fans. Big Tasty is in the house!
Johnny Atkins: You suck!
Barry: That's right! I do rock. JTP, drop a beat.
Geoff: Um, Bar, history has proven that you say two good lines and then you freeze up and just repeat them over and over...
Barry: I said "Drop a beat"!
[JTP start beatboxing]
Barry: [rapping] Check to the one and check to the two Big Tasty's on the mic, rappin' at you '
Cause I'm checkin' to the one and I'm checkin' to the two Big Tasty's on the mic, rappin' for you
Checkity one and checkity two
Andy: He's stuck in a loop again.
Barry: And I'm rappin' and I'm rappin' and I'm rappin' at you
[crowd boos]
Geoff: And he's gonna get hit in the face in three, two...
The Goldbergs Quotes
‘Deadheads’ Quotes
Quote from Matt
Barry: Next category, busting balls. Come up with three insults for how short Andy is.
Andy: Oh. No, we don't have to do-
Barry: Go!
Matt: Andy is so tiny, he uses a sock as a sleeping bag. When Andy plays mini-golf, it's just called "Golf." Did you hear Andy died? He was bungee-jumping off a curb and the dental floss broke.
Andy: I feel completely humiliated.
Quote from Beverly
Beverly: Wha- What?! I have never!
Erica: Seriously?
Beverly: What? I don't talk like that.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] But she did. Bev Bombs were dropped on a daily basis in our home.
Beverly: Holy [bleep]! I love that idea! I hate drugs so [bleep] much! Adam used to be a good boy, and now he's a real [bleep]. [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] Yeah!
Quote from Barry
Andy: Actually, I think we'd rather just chill here and watch Matt Bradley jam.
Barry: That guy? He's a stupid Deadhead.
Naked Rob: So?
Barry: So? Their songs are, like, a million hours long, their crazy fans smell like armpits, and all they wear is tie-dye. It's like, pick a color, bro. You can't have them all.