Mr. Glascott Quote #55
Quote from Mr. Glascott in Island Time
Mr. Glascott: Look into your heart. Who would you rather be a ward to?
Adam: I just wanna make movies, man!
Mr. Perott: Then go make 'em, Adam.
Mr. Glascott: The boy needs to attend college. His she‐devil mother demands it.
Adam: Wait, my mom was behind this?
Mr. Glascott: Ah. Yes. Dang it. And I dress up like Prince on the weekends. The secret is out. [chuckles] She can't hurt me now.
The Goldbergs Quotes
‘Island Time’ Quotes
Quote from Adam
Mr. Perott: Adam, these scores are not so hot. I thought nerds were good at math.
Adam: I'm more of a geek. W‐ We're still social and physical klutzes with quirky personalities, but we have intense passions for fringe interests.
Mr. Perott: And what's a dweeb?
Adam: Look, it's a rich continuum of discomfort, but what should I do about my test scores?
Quote from Murray
Beverly: So?
Murray: Why have we never been to Portugal?
Beverly: Who gives a crap about Portugal? How'd it go with Adam's guidance counselor?
Murray: I think Adam's gonna spend about a year figuring it out.
Beverly: What?! No, you were supposed to be the bad cop!
Murray: You know, I've never been barefoot on anything but tile. Tile, Bevy! It's no way to live!
Quote from Beverly
Adam: Inside this envelope is my PSAT scores.
Beverly: The warm‐up test before the real test. Oh! The stakes have never been higher.
Pops: That sounds wrong, but sure.
Beverly: What's in this envelope could guarantee a full ride to an ivy or shame you into a state school, where your friends will be dentists, newspaper writers, and, God forbid, teachers.