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My Valentine Boy

‘My Valentine Boy’

Season 6, Episode 15 - Aired February 13, 2019

Ahead of Valentine's Day, Murray and Adam go head-to-head in trying to pawn off Beverly on the other. Meanwhile, Geoff helps Erica find a replacement for Lainey in the Dropouts.

Quote from Beverly

Murray: Bevy, don't be angry. You know I'm not good at feelings and stuff.
Beverly: Oh, I get it. I used to think you just weren't good at Valentine's Day. But turns out, you're amazing. If it's to get out of spending time with me.
Murray: Just let me explain.
Beverly: Save it. You got what you wanted. Valentine's Day without me.


Quote from Pops

Murray: Look, I know a few stupid chocolates won't make up for what I did, but maybe this will. I borrowed Adam's dumb camera, and I made you a real Valentine's Day gift.
Pops: And I helped! I was the cameraman, and a pretty darn good one, if I do say so myself.

Quote from Pops

Murray: [on video] I don't know if this is a good idea, just sitting here and saying how I feel.
Pops: [on video] Bev's not here. Just look in the lens and speak from the heart.
Murray: All right. Let's do this.
Pops: Now, where's that damn button? [cut] That was absolutely beautiful!
Murray: Yeah?
Pops: Yeah.
Murray: I don't know. I think I could do it better.
Pops: 3, 2, 1... [cut] Sweet Lord, Murray. I've never seen you cry like that.
Murray: I'm just getting in the groove. I think I got another one. Let's do it.
Pops: Okay. Go! [cut]
Murray: I don't know. That one kind of got away from me.
Pops: I don't know. I kinda liked it.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] My dad was the kind of guy who had a hard time saying "I love you" out loud. But when he finally did, it was all my mom needed to hear.

Quote from Beverly

Murray: Whattya know. The Terminator's funny.
Beverly: They don't look the same, but it's clear they're family.

Quote from Erica

Barry: What's going on?
Erica: What does it look like? You've got a date for Valentine's Day.
Barry: I appreciate it, but I just want to be alone.
Erica: But you're not.
Geoff: You've got us.
Naked Rob: It's true.
Matt: We're here for you, man.
Erica: Listen, we actually know a cool, new band we thought you might want to see.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Life is a funny thing. My best friend's cousin, who had the same rock dreams as my sister, really ended up making it in a band called The Lemonheads. And even though The Dropouts didn't get quite as big, it didn't matter, 'cause when you're surrounded by the people you love, life is full of sweet music.

Quote from Adam

Adam: Ah, Valentine's Day. Back in the '80s, you couldn't just text a heart emoji to show you cared. Nope, back then, you had to make your love known face-to-face.
Carla: What'd you get me, Johnny?
Johnny Atkins: Best gift of all, 5'9" of thunder wrapped in a Rush T-shirt.
Carla: That is the hottest way to say you got me nothing. I love you, baby.

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