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George! George Glass!

‘George! George Glass!’

Season 4, Episode 3 -  Aired October 5, 2016

Adam and Erica both invent fictitious love interests. Meanwhile, Barry is furious when Murray won't let him attend the Live Aid concert, and Beverly has had enough of Murray's stubbornness.

Quote from Adam

Adam: Well, well. It appears even my pathological sister can't pull off a George Glass.
Erica: Oh, and like you're doing any better?
Adam: In fact, I am. I have a romantic paintball date with Waffle Girl.
Erica: How is paintball romantic in any way?
Adam: Trust me, our love will be forged on the battlefield once she witnesses my unflinching courage and legendary bravery.


Quote from Adam

Adam: Aah! I'm so scared! That one grazed my hand a little. Don't hurt me! I'm just a little boy!

Quote from Murray

Beverly: Isn't this great, Mur? See how much fun we can have when you're not busy being a stubborn grump?
Murray: I have to admit, it's not that bad.
Waiter: And the chicken fajita for the lovely senorita. And for the senor-
Murray: Bup, bup. I ordered the steak "fa-gee-tas".
Waiter: My sincerest apologies, senor. Uh, no more steak fajitas.
Murray: No more steak "fa-gee-tas"?
Waiter: Murray, chicken's fine.
Murray: Those people over there, they were seated after us, and they got their steak "fa-gee-tas".
Beverly: This dinner is supposed to show me how not stubborn you are. Don't ruin it by being extra stubborn.
Murray: Look, here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna go to every table with steak "fa-gee-tas", take one off their plate, put it on my plate. Problem solved.
Beverly: You take those chicken "fa-gee-tas" and put them in a corn tor-till-a right now, or I'm going home.
Murray: Well, then go-
Waiter: Excuse me.
Murray: Because I'm not leaving until my "fa-gee-tas" are good and steaked. End of story.

Quote from Adam

Pops: You made some headway on Operation Waffle Girl. Only took you four years, but worth the wait.
Adam: I want to ask her out again, preferably to something not paintball.
Beverly: Oh, no, you don't, Mister. No more Waffle Girl. She is much too old for you.
Adam: Mom, I'm an actual man now. A man with needs. And I'm gonna show Waffle Girl just how much of a man I am, and it's gonna get so freaky, that... She is right there behind me, isn't she? I will come back in an other four years.

Quote from Murray

Murray: We got to turn around right now.
Beverly: Stop being so dramatic. It's just a little traffic.
Murray: You go into the Live Aid. I'll circle for three hours.
Beverly: No, don't circle. For once, can you not be so stubborn?
Murray: We could be here for days! Damn it! This is my [bleep] nightmare!

Quote from Pops

Adam: That's it! George Glass. Oh, Jan Brady, you giver of genius middle-child wisdom.
Pops: She's no Marcia, but she does have moxie.
Adam: That's how I'll impress Waffle Girl. I'm make up a fake older girlfriend, and then she'll know I can hang with mature ladies.
Pops: I don't know what that sentence means, but go for it, kiddo.

Quote from Erica

Erica: His name's Jordan Wahlberg, and he just transferred to Villanova.
Evelyn Silver: Oh, my God. I can't believe your new boyfriend's in college.
Erica: Yeah, Jordy's on a swim scholarship. He's crazy hot.
Evelyn Silver: You are so lucky. But not as lucky as finding a guy like my Geoffrey.

Quote from Murray

Murray: Hiya, buddy. Listen, uh, this space It's mine. [Horn honking] What are you- What are you honking? He's honking!
Beverly: We'll find another space!
Murray: We will not find another space. [Horn honks] Now you're honking at a private conversation between a man and his wife. [Horn honks] Fine. Two can play at that game. Honnnk! [Horn honks] Honnnk!

Quote from Erica

Adam: Well, if it isn't my sister, who pulled a George Glass after she specifically told me it was stupid.
Erica: For you. You lack the pathological qualities needed to pull it off. Me? Easy breezy.
Adam: Jordan Wahlberg?! You just took two New Kids on the Block and mashed them together.
Erica: Jordy is much more than a name. He's got big plans, and I put them down in this dossier. For example, after he goes to the Olympics, he's going to med school to become a urologist.
Adam: That's crazy! No one wants to be a urologist.
Erica: Face it, I'm unbeatable. I've thought of every detail. I was made to George Glass me a guy.
Adam: Well, I was made to George Glass me a gal.

Quote from Murray

Murray: You just said, "No rules," yet you just told me a rule, you moron!

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