‘Game Night’
Season 7, Episode 12 - Aired January 22, 2020
After being paired up with the most popular girl in school, Adam turns to the cool new guidance counselor, Mr. Perott (guest star Anthony Michael Hall) for advice. Meanwhile, Erica and Geoff try to hide the fact they're living together when they join the Goldbergs' Game Night.
Quote from Dave Kim
Adam: Pops let me down!
Dave Kim: "Be yourself"? You? Yourself? Being it?
Adam: I know, Dave Kim.
Dave Kim: She's one of the chosen ones, the beautiful elite, the best kind of aloof. They'll never accept... this.
Adam: You don't have to waft. I know, Dave Kim!
Dave Kim: You need to get better advice.
Adam: I know, Dave Kim!
Dave Kim: But who's cool enough to guide you?
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Turns out, there was someone... Mr. Perott, our new guidance counselor. Yep, he wore a leather jacket and was the epitome of cool.
Adam: I think I know, Dave Kim.
Quote from Barry
Erica: We need to talk... Right after you tell us what you're doing.
Barry: I'm just cutting up various balls to see what's inside of them. Biggest surprise? Soccer ball... Nothing.
Geoff: Is that my soccer ball?
Barry: I wouldn't know.
Quote from Barry
Barry: What brings you to Barry's Xanadu?
Erica: You need to make quality time with Mom. She misses you too much.
Barry: Who can blame her? I'm a delight.
Erica: No, idiot. She keeps showing up unexpectedly, looking for you.
Geoff: My nosebleeds are way up.
Barry: Ha! She's gonna find out you're living in sin, freak out, and destroy your love.
Geoff: Barry, do you like it here?
Barry: I'm living with my bros in this dope pad with a solid 2.1 GPA. I don't know how life can get any better.
Geoff: If your Mom busts us, it's not only the end of me living with Erica, it's the end of you living here, too.
Barry: Oh, no. You shined a light on the consequences, and now I suddenly care. What do we do?
Erica: We give Mom what she wants the most.
Quote from Beverly
Geoff: Aww. Okay, well, you guys have family fun. Bye.
Erica: Run, Geoff.
Beverly: Oh, no, Geoffrey.
Geoff: Wha...
Beverly: You're not going anywhere. Tonight's an all-play.
Geoff: But I was just dropping them off... Okay, I'm in the hug now, so...
Beverly: Game night. Oh, I'm so excited, I could [bleep] puke!
Geoff: [laughs] I might, too.
Quote from Adam
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Mr. Perott had taught me his tricks for being cool, and now I was ready to take his advice out for a test drive.
Adam: Put this somewhere safe, Doc.
Dr. Katman: What an incredibly informal way to talk to an adult, but I'm on it.
Quote from Adam
Dan: You can't make us move. We're allowed to sit here.
Dave Kim: Wait. Adam?
Adam: In the flesh... And leather.
Carla: Me likey.
Dave Kim: I get it. His unearned confidence and sunglasses make him desirable.
Adam: That's exactly what I'm going for, Dave Kim.
Dave Kim: Dude, you should go talk to Brea.
Adam: Already on my way, muchacho.
Carla: He casually threw in Spanish.
Quote from Adam
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Perott's advice was working. I was crushing it. And this time, there really was nothing that would stop me from lunching it up with Brea Bee.
Johnny: Whoa. Goldnerd, is that you?
Adam: Make a hole.
Johnny: For some reason, my body's obliging your wishes. [sunglasses thud]
Brian Corbett: Disposable shades and a leather jacket? What kind of a budget is this guy working with?
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Success! Time to put Perott's tips into overdrive.
Quote from Adam
Brea: Adam.
Adam: Oh, hey, Brea. Didn't see you there.
Brea: You look different. Are you in the spring production of West Side Story?
Adam: No, these are my new everyday threads.
Brea: Ooh. My God. That's a lot of gum.
Adam: [muffled] Thank you.
Brea: What?
Adam: [muffled] No, it's actually fine.
Brea: Sorry, I can't understand you.
Adam: [muffled] It's kind of cool, huh?
Brea: Also, you're drooling a little.
Adam: [spits] I'm enjoying this, uh, give-and-take, you know?
Brea: Are you looking at me, or is there someone behind me?
Adam: I'm not not looking at you.
Brea: It's still happening.
Quote from Adam
Adam: So... whatcha doing later?
Brea: I don't know. Hanging with the crew. Do you wanna join?
Adam: What's the plan?
Johnny: Plan is we pick you up at night.
Adam: That's not really a time. Doing what exactly?
Brian Walls: Stuff.
Adam: Well, then I'll be there, whenever that is, at some point. Ta.
Quote from Dave Kim
Adam: Brea just invited me to hang. We have loose plans.
Dave Kim: Loose plans? It really is a different world.