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Family Takes Care of Beverly

‘Family Takes Care of Beverly’

Season 2, Episode 5 - Aired October 29, 2014

After Pops accidentally burns down his apartment during a Halloween party, he gets evicted so Beverly moves him into the family home. Murray is put out by Pops' active lifestyle and decides to look at other housing options. Meanwhile, after Barry stops Erica from eating Pop Rocks candy with soda, he believes he saved her life and that she owes him.

Quote from Beverly

Adam: That's my Halloween candy. Let me just eat it already.
Beverly: Not until we take it to the hospital and have it x-rayed. Ellen Shorstein's son found a handful of aquarium gravel in an almond cluster. Tore his braces right off.


Quote from Murray

Murray: Bevy, it's time we discussed other options. Stop it right there. I have said this a thousand times.
Beverly: We're not moving my dad into a home. Shady Willows is not a home. It's a leisure community for active seniors. I don't trust Shady Willows. "Shady" is in the name.
Murray: That's because old people love shade. They have trees. They have umbrellas. You name it, they got it.

Quote from Beverly

Adam: Wait, what? Since when are you living with me? What about Erica?
Beverly: Lovely girl, but deal with those mood swings? No thank you.
Adam: Well, go live with Barry.
Beverly: Aw, sweetie, it's more than likely we'll be taking care of him.

Quote from Erica

Barry: Did you tell her I can bench 200?
Erica: Yep.
Barry: Did you tell her I can pop like three wheelies in a row?
Erica: I did.
Barry: Did you tell her I'm a self-taught dancer?
Erica: She was not impressed.
Barry: Did you tell her that I give no excuses - and take no prisoners?
Erica: No dice.
Barry: Did you tell her I'm silky smooth but cut from steel?
Erica: Totally.
Barry: Did you tell her I can kick as high as my head and I used to own a python?
Erica: I told her everything.

Quote from Beverly

Adam: Why does Barry get to live on a commune while I'm stuck with you?
Beverly: Hon, not just me. You'll have your lovely wife and four beautiful boys for support.

Quote from Adam

Adam: I'm never coming home. This place has a sauna, an early bird dinner at four-thirty, and a seat in every shower. All my life I've been washing my body standing up, like a yutz!

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Finally! All my boys under one roof! It's happening!

Quote from Beverly

Murray: Taco Tuesdays, Fajita Fridays! It's all there!
Beverly: That is way too much Mexican food for him.

Quote from Murray

Murray: Damn it! I'm working my ass off trying to get people to move out of our house. Stop trying to move people in!

Quote from Murray

Murray: I can't unsee what I just saw. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It was like a couple of hairless cats fighting in a pile of pizza dough.
Pops: It was a very bad low angle.

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