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Season 4, Episode 17 - Aired March 8, 2017

Barry feels left out when Matt Bradley joins the JTP and invites everyone to a Grateful Dead concert. Meanwhile, Beverly starts a swear jar after she hears Adam drop an F bomb, but things quickly spiral out of control.

Quote from Adam

Murray: Hey, your robit-cop movie started this whole mess.
Adam: RoboCop isn't a robot. If anything, he's a cyborg, which falls under the umbrella of android, which means I'll put in a dollar.


Quote from Erica

Beverly: Oh, there you are. Erica, do me a favor and empty the dishwasher.
Erica: I would love to do that, Mother.
Beverly: So nice of you. Also, clean the gutters.
Erica: What?!
Adam: Hold it together.
Erica: Fun... that would be.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Colonial Williamsburg, here we come! Oh, you're gonna look so cute with your [bleep] musket.
Adam: Aha!
Erica: You swore! I knew that she wouldn't last long. So predictable.
Beverly: Baditude! Huh, someone can't keep their [bleep] together.
Erica: Ha! Who can't keep it together now?
Adam: This is more twists and turns than the Battle of Endor.
Beverly: Adam jar.
Erica: Stop talking, you giant nerd.
Beverly: Baditude jar! (chuckles) This is too [bleep] easy.
Adam & Erica: Swear jar!

Quote from Murray

Murray: All right, enough. I'm putting an end to this once and for all.
Beverly: Hey, I only made these other jars 'cause you made me realize that they were playing me.
Murray: Of course they were. They're awful. That's part of their charm, just like swearing's part of yours.
Beverly: But Adam was right. He learned it from watching me.
Murray: You swear because you care. And I wouldn't want to change that.

Quote from Murray

Murray: And I'm not changing. I'm gonna keep calling them morons because they act like morons.
Adam: And I can't change the fact saying "Star Track" will always bother me.
Erica: And there's, like, zero chance of me changing my crap attitude, 'cause you're all lame.
Murray: See? We are who we are. And I love it!

Quote from Adam

Beverly: So, we all agree? No more jar wars.
Adam: "Jar wars" sounds like "Star Wars"! Oh, God, it felt so good to say.

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