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Quote from Geoff in The Better Annie

Pop-Pop: I want to feel wanted. H... How do you do it?
Geoff: What do you mean?
Pop-Pop: I mean, you're just as unnecessary as I am, but no one seems to want you gone.
Geoff: Again, I'm Erica's husband and the father to Beverly's only grandchild.
Pop-Pop: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't need the complete works of Josh Schwab.
Geoff: That's not my name, but close enough for me to appreciate the effort.
Pop-Pop: Come on, spill it. How come they're not high-fiving over the idea of you leaving?
Geoff: I guess it's because I'm kind and respectful and super helpful around the house.
Pop-Pop: Josh, you're a genius.
Geoff: I am neither of those things.
Pop-Pop: You're gonna teach me to be a helpful schmuck like you so I can fool those idiots into letting me stay.
Geoff: [sighs] Josh Schwab, what have you gotten yourself into?

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