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Quote from Beverly in The Hunt for the Great Albino Pumpkin

Beverly: [answers phone] Adam! Oh, thank God.
Adam: How did you know it was me?
Beverly: It takes only 13 minutes to get to Pop-Pop's house and back. I have been calling and calling. Where were you?!
Adam: Here and there.
Beverly: It's Devil's Night, Adam. Every year, 6 million kids are abducted and slaughtered.
Adam: That seems high.
Beverly: You tell that to my manicurist's manicurist's son.
Adam: She doesn't do her own nails?
Beverly: She doesn't do anything anymore since her son went trick-or-treating and sickos scavenged his head for parts. They stole his eyes, nose, and teeth. Now every year, his costume is the same... human jack-o'-lantern. But the rest of the year, he works in the way, way back at Circuit City.
Adam: So he's doing it!

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