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Quote from Adam in Game Night

Mr. Perott: Here's some advice... Right after you graduate, take a couple years and bike right across Africa. See where this mixed-up world got started.
Adam: I can't hear a single word you're saying because I'm positive you're gonna lop off your thumb.
Mr. Perott: What's that? This silly thing?
Adam: Haw! [exhales sharply] That was so terrifyingly masculine, sir.
Mr. Perott: Sure. So, what are we thinking here? College? Trade school? The Army?
Adam: You probably can't tell, but I'm a...
Mr. Perott: Hardcore nerd?
Adam: Whoa! You can't call me that.
Mr. Perott: I can. Because I was one, too.
Adam: That's you? You're so...
Mr. Perott: Scrawny, zitty, pasty?
Adam: Exactly. How is this kid you?
Mr. Perott: Well, I got a haircut, I slapped on some acne cream, and then I hit the gym. But that's only part of it, Adam.
Adam: I need to know. Tell me everything.
Mr. Perott: Okay.
Adam: You're just gonna do it?
Mr. Perott: Why not? I mean, I already told three students to bike across Africa this morning. I can phone it in for the rest of the day.

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