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Quote from Adam in Bohemian Rap City

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Back before you could buy everything ever on Amazon and eBay, you had to go to an actual store to buy toys. For me, the toy store was a sacred mecca of my lifelong passion. Even though I was getting older, my toy obsession was for life.
Adam: Devastator's on sale? Score.
Store Employee: Transformers? We just got in a new shipment of Rock Lords.
Adam: I don't know what that is, but I want them all.
Store Employee: They're GoBots that transform into rocks.
Adam: A toy rock? That defines fun. Take all my lunch money. Take it right now.
Store Employee: Oh, you're too late. I knew these would be a hot commodity, so I bought every last Rock Lord.
Adam: Thanks a lot, suck lord.
Store Employee: What'd you call me?
Adam: Nothing.

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