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Quote from Murray in Fiddler

Adam: I'm the constable. Six lines, no songs, done by intermission. Dream role.
Murray: [entering] Move. Move your tiny bodies. Let's go. Hey!
Adam: Dad? What are you doing here?
Murray: Today's our big day! I wanted to see our name at the top of the roster.
Adam: It's more near the bottom, but it's still a very meaty part. The constable.
Murray: What? We wanted Tevye or nothing.
Adam: Well, Matt Schernecke got it.
Murray: That scrub is Tevye? He's got a warbly voice and no stage presence.
Matt Schernecke: What's that?
Murray: Mazel Tov, kid.
Adam: Way to go, Matt.
Matt Schernecke: Oh, okay.

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