Quote from Beverly in Mister Knifey-Hands
Adam: It's just a few nightmares. I don't need your help. Beverly: Tonight we're gonna start with a relaxing bubble bath. Adam: No baths. I'm a shower man now. Beverly: After that, I'm gonna toast up your jammies real nice in the dryer, and then I'll tuck you in real tight to seal in the safeness. Adam: You do know that none of this will actually help me. Beverly: For your information, science has proven that Mamas can love away the fear. Adam: What science proves that?! Beverly: At Yale, they scared a thousand kids. Half were given mama love. Half were given a placebo. Guess which kids stopped having nightmares? Adam: None, 'cause it never happened! Beverly: I could've been a scientist. I rest my case. Cause I could've been a lawyer as well.