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Quote from Adam in Game Night

Adult Adam: [v.o.] It was January 22nd, 1980-something, and for the first time in my life, science class was gonna get interesting.
Dr. Katman: Okay, loyal students, I want to tell you about a great book I read on helium. Couldn't put it down. [chuckles]
Johnny: Was that a joke? 'Cause it went over like a lead balloon. Damn it. Have I been learning stuff?
Dr. Katman: If that didn't make you laugh, neither will this... I'm assigning partners for your midterm lab. [students groan] Adam Goldberg, ah, you're with Brea Bee.
Adam: I be with Brea-who?
Adult Adam: [v.o.] But I knew exactly who she was. Everyone did. She was Brea Bee, and she was the coolest girl in school.

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