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Quote from Erica in I Lost on Jeopardy

Jeopardy Producer: Big congrats on making it this far. Now we just need to get to know you a bit better. So, tell me what you've been up to in the last year.
Erica: Me? Oh, man. [chuckles] So much stuff.
Jeopardy Producer: Okay. Care to elaborate on the stuff?
Erica: As of late, I have been trying out for "Jeopardy!"
Jeopardy Producer: Trying out for "Jeopardy!" can't really be a talking point for someone trying out for "Jeopardy!"
Erica: Very fair.
Jeopardy Producer: The last lady I interviewed she's an ornithologist, and she makes her own lavender soap.
Erica: Ooh, I use soap. Big soap gal right here.
Jeopardy Producer: Well, we already got a soap gal, and she doesn't just use it, she makes it. You get me?
Erica: God, yes, I get you. Look, I dropped out of school so that I could follow my dreams. And then it was, like, super hard. And now I have no job and no degree and no prospects. I had to borrow this suit from my mom. And you know how I said I use soap? At best, I shower twice a week, 'cause it's like, what's the point?! Just, please, you got to put me on "Jeopardy!" bro.
Jeopardy Producer: I'd say maybe try "Tic-Tac-Dough."

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