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Quote from Adam in The Goldberg Girls

Adam: Oh, "Weekend at Bernie's". That's it.
Erica: It's not.
Adam: "Road House".
Erica: Eh.
Adam: "Interspace".
Erica: No!
Adam: "Taxi Driver"?
Erica: Seriously, no!
Adam: Mac and Me?
Erica: Stop!
Adam: "Krull."
Erica: I don't even know what that is!
Adam: "Halloween!"
Erica: How many toys do you have?!
Adam: Disney's "Black Hole?"
Erica: At least take them out of the package and play with them!
Adam: Beastie Droids!
Erica: That's not even a movie.
Adam: Wait, "The Highlander," there's a tiny love story before all the swordfighting.
Erica: Sure, why not.
Adam: It's not going to work.
Erica: I know.
Adam: "Buck Rogers?"

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