Quote from Barry in Deadheads
Geoff: At the very least, he's musical. Barry: You want music? Watch and learn. Attention, adoring fans. Big Tasty is in the house! Johnny Atkins: You suck! Barry: That's right! I do rock. JTP, drop a beat. Geoff: Um, Bar, history has proven that you say two good lines and then you freeze up and just repeat them over and over... Barry: I said "Drop a beat"! [JTP start beatboxing] Barry: [rapping] Check to the one and check to the two Big Tasty's on the mic, rappin' at you ' Cause I'm checkin' to the one and I'm checkin' to the two Big Tasty's on the mic, rappin' for you Checkity one and checkity two Andy: He's stuck in a loop again. Barry: And I'm rappin' and I'm rappin' and I'm rappin' at you [crowd boos] Geoff: And he's gonna get hit in the face in three, two...