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Quote from Murray in Globetrotters

Beverly: Sorry, no TV until you go through every scrapbook.
Murray: You know, I've given this a lot of thought. And I realize I do mark the moments. As a matter of fact, I kind of have my own scrapbook collection.
Beverly: You? Scrapbooks?
Murray: Take my hand, I want to show you something. This this right here, this is how I mark the moment.
Beverly: These are our tax returns.
Murray: To you. To me, they're reminders of us, of our family. Every receipt has a memory. This right here, this is where Erica got her braces. Ha, and look at this. This is where we bought Adam his first video camera.
Beverly: Wow, these receipts really mean a lot to you, huh?
Murray: They mean everything. And I keep them all here in my heart file.
Beverly: Oh, Murray.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] That's the thing about marking the moment, everyone does it in their own way.
Beverly: What a crock of [bleep]! I mean, tax returns? In your heart file? Really?

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