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Quote from Barry in The Rose-Kissy Thing

Adam: I need you to turn me into an athlete.
Barry: Are you talking to me or God? 'Cause that's a tall order for either of us.
Adam: If I make it onto a sports team, I won't have to participate in Non-Athlete Senior Night.
Barry: Fine! Tell me the sport, I'll make you a legend.
Adam: Doesn't matter. You pick.
Barry: Well, I'd rule out anything that requires a bat, ball, mitt, racket, stick, club, coordination, endurance, desire, grit, strategy, physical contact, or a commanding voice for calling signals.
Adam: What's left?
Barry: Spring track.
Adam: In! What's the minimum I have to do to make the team?
Barry: I only know the maximum.
Adam: I don't need the maximum.

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