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Quote from Barry in It's All About Comptrol

Police Officer: Again, being a police officer is not at all like you see in the movies.
Barry: Totally get that.
Barry: Question. Is there a separate academy for people who want to become Robocops?
Barry: Were you surprised to learn that a Beverly Hills cop was every bit as street savvy as a big-city cop?
Barry: Are you more attracted to Cagney or Lacey? There is a right answer.
Barry: When you're on a motorcycle and you arrest someone, how do you get the bad guy to hold onto you on the ride back to the station?
Barry: Would you say you're more Tango or Cash?
Barry: How come every cop's biggest case happens the week they're about to retire?
Barry: Could a police horse arrest a normal horse?
Barry: Are you undercover 21 Jump Street-ing me? 'Cause if I ask, you gotta tell me!
Police Officer: I'm in my uniform!
Barry: Now say, "Do you feel lucky, punk?"
Police Officer: I really don't.

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