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Quote from Adam in The Prettiest Boy in School

Adam: I had a magical summer with my foxy girlfriend. Thanks for asking.
Mr. Glascott: I didn't. Why do you look so different? Did somebody finally punch those glasses off your face?
Adam: I got contact lenses.
Mr. Glascott: And is that a salon job?
Adam: Nope. Just the sun.
Mr. Glascott: I thought you were allergic to God's warm life-giver.
Adam: Turns out that was just avocados.
Mr. Glascott: It's all so effortless and stylish. As if you are no longer afraid of the world and everything in it.
Adam: That's probably the self-defense class I took with my mom. It was quite a summer.
Mr. Glascott: Well, a gator took one of my sport loafers, so we all got things.

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