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Quote from Beverly in Geoff the Pleaser

Other Adam: Can I answer any questions for you, ma'am?
Beverly: Oh, just one. Uh, who the [bleep] do you think you are?
Other Adam: Whoa! This is a family-friendly audio-video store. Except for that section over behind the saloon doors.
Beverly: You spoke to my son, also Adam Goldberg, and snuffed out his perfect little-boy dreams.
Other Adam: Look, lady, I just call 'em like I see 'em. It's tough to make it in the movies.
Beverly: Oh, for you, maybe. [chuckles] But not for my little Stanley Schmoo-brick.
Other Adam: Well, that gives me a sense of what I'm dealing with here. Next time, I won't burst the little bubble you keep him in.
Beverly: No next time. This time. You are gonna fix this.
Other Adam: And how am I gonna do that?
Beverly: Simple. I'm casting you in the role of a lifetime, as "guy who gets his big break."
Other Adam: Sorry, but I kinda put acting on hold.
Beverly: Well, take it off hold. The pay's $50. [Other Adam scoffs] Well, I suppose I could throw in, uh, me not coming down here every day and making your life miserable.
Other Adam: All right, I'm on the project.

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